Riding Triple Lindy in the Single Digits

Hello Elizabeth,
I’m guessing you all are as cold as we are. My thermometer says 11 right now, brrrr. We are out of school for the second day due to inclement weather. There is some snow on the already frozen ground and it is just cold. I’ve been carrying water in buckets and trashcans from the house. The single digits increases the work load but the horses seem to appreciate the efforts.

Yesterday, while my children were taking a nap, I went for my first ride 🙂   Triple Lindy was really good. We just walked around for about 20 minutes. I couldn’t stand it any longer, I just had to get on. Susan, her former owner had told me to be careful getting on from the ground.  I used my mounting block and there wasn’t a problem.  🙂  I haven’t ridden but twice in the past three years other than to sit bareback while a little horse I have,  who is sweet, eats. It was nice to be able to sit in a saddle and hold the reins and just enjoy the ride and the view from above! I’m looking forward to warmer days when I will be able to do more than walk.  the ground is so frozen I dare not. I plan to get on again today while the kids take a nap and hopefully tomorrow and Sunday before the work grind begins again. Lindy seemed happy in my hollow mouth ring snaffle 🙂   I’ll keep you posted.
