Tucks St. Aly Has a New Companion

Our goats are beginning to have babies again so they are separated in different pastures, so Aly has a pasture of goats above and below his two pastures and paddock and I think he quite likes it that way. The tiny baby goat was born probably a few feet from Tucks St. Aly this morning – she is quite a few inches shy of a foot tall.

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The Big Aly Man settled in His Big Texan Home

Even though Aly has days, off and on, when horses neighing crazily in the neighbourhood get him excited, or he just decides he needs to be in his “detective mood” and acts like every twig of grass in the surrounding seeable miles is a possible endangerment to him … he is in general, finally positive…

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Straight From the Horse’s Mouth – Tucks St. Aly Checks In from Texas

Well, first off, let me tell you, the honeymoon is over! This girl now, instead of giving me 3 peppermints every time she comes to see me….now only gives me maybe 3 or 6 per day. Imagine that, peppermint consumption going from 30 per day to only maybe 6 per day….I’m sure you feel for me. Not only that, but we are finally in a dadgum thing called a ‘regime’. Instead of getting 4 or 5 meals a day, as when I first got here, it’s now back to 3, and no 30 minutes early stuff either.

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The “A” Team – Camo Carrot Caper

we spent lots of time in our yard, which he always loves, eating down the dandelions and rye grass and…….getting a few carrots handed to him after he put his head through my mom’s office window and said good morning to her! Anyway, I just can’t believe how relaxed he is in our yard now, he really really loves grazing in it and when we get our front gates up in our drive way, I know he’ll really love being able to be loose in it.

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