Stevie Loverboy – A Bit of Advice Can Bring New Inspiration

Relax and your horse will relax

Relax and your horse will relax

Elizabeth, thank you again for the amazing lesson this afternoon. It was remarkable how quickly Stevie Loverboy calmed down and got to work. He just visibly relaxed and his demeanor changed within a minute of you working with us. I feel like we accomplished more today than we have in the last month!
It really reinforced for me what a great horse he is. Once I got out of his way, he was so willing and fluid and just overall fantastic. “Loverboy” totally showed me that he is up to whatever I ask of him, as long as I ask the right way! I am so proud of the work we did today that I can’t stop thinking about it and I can’t wait to build on that and keep moving forward.
Read more about our training session on getting your horse to relax and lower his head. You will find lots of training tips on the Bits & Bytes Farm Web site.